This is
Our Story.
Local 548 was initially chartered in 1938 in Raleigh, NC in an effort to organize to protect firefighters' rights and benefits in the City of Raleigh. The 548 has had much success over the years from winning the right to vote in municipal elections, countless pay raises due to pay studies often backed by the IAFF, achieving double time and a half for holiday hours worked, securing gear extractors to help prevent cancer-causing contaminants from hanging around, residential washers and dryers in each station to reduce the risk of transporting job-related germs and bacteria to our personal homes, providing acquired structure training, and most recently securing wireless headsets for all fire apparatus as a result of a traffic accident where they may have helped prevent the same. As a Local, we are concerned with our members' safety and well-being and work tirelessly to ensure proper treatment from the city and administration.