Local 548
Member Benefits
Local 548 stands for its members for issues with Administration to ensure fair treatment. We have a Human Resource Committee as well as a Workers Compensation Committee ready to step in and guide you through these processes.
Life Insurance
Part of your membership in the Local 548 is $20,000 of life insurance, half of which is paid out within 24 hours of death. God forbid this benefit is ever called upon, Local 548 will ensure proper disbursement of money as well as being with your family through the tough process.
Training Opportunities
Local 548 has successfully sponsored training at acquired structures in the City. We acquire the building, coordinate instructors and equipment for teaching, and facilitate the entire operation. Part of your membership includes some or all of the class fees being covered. Looking after our members doesn't stop at fighting for compensation or benefits, fighting for training opportunities on real buildings allows our department to be more competent on the fireground which translates to a safer fireground.
National Discounts
Being part of the IAFF you are privy to a wide range of discounts nationwide; hotels, resorts, auto/home insurance, rental cars, flower delivery, ATT Firstnet are just some of the deals your membership will give you access to.
Center of Excellence
The IAFF has organized a Rehab and Treatment facility in Maryland that is only available to firefighters. This is a specialized inpatient facility ready to handle any mental or behavioral health emergency and has programs specialized for firefighters and how this career can affect you. There are also support programs for family members of affected firefighters.
Support in Times of Need
When an unfortunate event happens, whether it’s an on-the-job injury or something away from work, or a member of your family is affected, the Local 548 stands by your side. These acts are rarely publicized as being present for our members behind the scenes is what we're about. Staying in the hospital with our folks, providing meals for families, donating sick time to allow time off for affected families, hotel and travel accommodations during times of need, and so much more. The 548 has your back.